2. News
  3. EU Debate Club "What do students seek to learn in Europe?" was held on 13 November

EU Debate Club "What do students seek to learn in Europe?" was held on 13 November


 On Wednesday 13 November 2019, EU Debate Student Club was held in Room 403 of Academia Hall for Social Sciences in Rokkodai campus of Kobe University.
 To begin with, a recent article posted on the BBC site about the popularity of political science among UK students after the Brexit referendum was explained to five participants. The British higher education system was then illustrated for Japanese students who were not familiar with key words such as O-level, A-level and Honors degree. Participants exchanged their views on difference in university entrance examination and selection of academic specialization between Japan and Britain. In addition, some Japanese students go to a preparatory school in order to pass an entrance exam of their first choice while there is a different system for students to challenge to enter a university in the UK. Participants also discussed such a topic based on their own experience. 

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Kobe University